Physico-Chemical Dynamics of Vanname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Cultivation Pond Water Quality with A Recirculation System


  • Aisyiyah Rasyidah Diponegoro University Author
  • Sunaryo Sunaryo Diponegoro University Author
  • Ervia Yudiati Diponegoro University Author
  • I Nyoman Widiasa Diponegoro University Author



Litopenaeus vannamei, recirculating aquaculture system, water quality dynamic, ultrafiltration


In 2021 Indonesia was experiencing an increase in shrimp exports. Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp is one of the shrimp with a good increase in exports and a type of shrimp with high resistance to environmental disturbances. Indonesia has land potential of about 2,964,331.24 hectares which can be used to increase shrimp production. The cultivation technique that can maximize this potential is a superintensive technique that uses closed aquaculture system. Recirculating Aquaculture system (RAS) is a closed aquaculture system that is suitable for shrimp farming because the water treatment is separated so that there is no significant change in environmental conditions. In this study, the RAS system was equipped with the use of an ultrafiltration membrane as a tool for the inflow water treatment. This study observe the physico-chemical water dynamics that occur during one cultivation cycle. It was observed that the DO of the pond decreased as the shrimp grew, the salinity increased during the cultivation process if there was no water replacement, the brightness decreased every day until it reached a specified point. Temperatures tended to be low due to weather factors, ammonia levels tended to decrease but nitrite and nitrate levels tended to increase due to the slower transformation rate of nitrite and nitrate. The operating system for this process was carried out by adding CaO and sugar. The addition of CaO ranges from 100-600 g/day. The effective addition of sugar if there was a spike in ammonia levels was 1.25 kg/day.


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Author Biographies

  • Aisyiyah Rasyidah, Diponegoro University

    Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang – Semarang

  • Sunaryo Sunaryo, Diponegoro University

    Department of Marine Scince, Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof Jacub Rais, SH, Tembalang – Semarang

  • Ervia Yudiati, Diponegoro University

    Department of Marine Scince, Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof Jacub Rais, SH, Tembalang – Semarang

  • I Nyoman Widiasa, Diponegoro University

    Department of Chemical Engineering, Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof. Soedarto, SH, Tembalang – Semarang


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Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request.



Marine Biotechnology and Immunology

How to Cite

Rasyidah, A. ., Sunaryo, S., Yudiati, E. ., & Widiasa, I. N. . (2024). Physico-Chemical Dynamics of Vanname Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Cultivation Pond Water Quality with A Recirculation System. Journal of Marine Biotechnology and Immunology, 2(1), 1-9.

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