Growth of Litopenaeus vannamei using Synbiotics Supplementation Diet in Outdoor Low-Salinity Ponds Concerning Water Quality Parameters and Phytoplankton Communities


  • Ali Ridlo Diponegoro University Author
  • Mutiara Laili Maulida Firdaus Diponegoro University Author
  • Joko Sumarwan National Research and Innovation Agency Author



Phytoplankton, Shrimp, Specific Growth Rate, Suplementation Diet, Water Quality Parameters


This study aimed to evaluate the influence of probiotic supplementation using L. bulgaricus FNCC-004 and prebiotics sodium alginate on the growth of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, as well as water quality parameters and plankton density in a five tons circle outdoor pond for 30 days of rearing. Assessment was conducted on specific pathogen-resistant (SPR) shrimp. Shrimp weight, plankton density, and water quality, with samples collected from circular ponds. The probiotic L. bulgaricus FNCC–004 was prepared as feed supplementation by adding 2% sodium alginate into the incubated bacterial media. One kg of feed was mixed with 200 mL of media containing the alginate-probiotic mixture. Feeding frequency was four times a day. Water quality sampling involved temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), and light intensity, measured twice daily. Plankton density was determined using a haemocytometer under microscope. Specific growth rate (SGR) of shrimp was calculated based on initial and final weights. Results showed variations in water quality parameters throughout the day, indicating the dynamic nature of the aquatic environment. Plankton density analysis revealed variations in species and abundance over the study period. The specific growth rate of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp was recorded at 17.44% per day. This study enhances understanding of the effects of synbiotics supplementation in the diet on shrimp growth and environmental conditions in aquaculture systems


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Author Biographies

  • Ali Ridlo , Diponegoro University

    Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

  • Mutiara Laili Maulida Firdaus , Diponegoro University

    Department of Marine Science, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia

  • Joko Sumarwan , National Research and Innovation Agency

    Research Centher for Fishery, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia


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Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request.



Marine Biotechnology and Immunology

How to Cite

Ridlo , A. ., Firdaus , M. L. M. ., & Sumarwan , J. . (2024). Growth of Litopenaeus vannamei using Synbiotics Supplementation Diet in Outdoor Low-Salinity Ponds Concerning Water Quality Parameters and Phytoplankton Communities. Journal of Marine Biotechnology and Immunology, 2(2), 32-36.

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