Percentage of Hatching Success of Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelyis oliviceae) Eggs in Natural and Semi-Natural Nests and the Quality of the Turtle Conservation Community (TCC), Lombok, Indonesia


  • Enjelin Khetrin Diponegoro University Author
  • Gunawan Widi Santoso Diponegoro University Author
  • Ervia Yudiati Diponegoro University Author



Sea Turtle, Olive Ridley sea turtle, percentage of success, natural nest


Sea turtles are internationally and nationally protected marine reptiles. One of the turtle species that can be found in Indonesia is the Olive Ridley turtle or Lepidochelys oliviceae. This study aims to determine the percentage of hatching success of turtle eggs in semi-natural and natural nests at TCC (Turtle Conservation Community), Lombok, determine the physical characteristics of natural and semi-natural nests of turtle eggs, and determine the quality of hatchlings produced in natural and semi-natural nests. The research method used is the descriptive exploration method, including determining the location with purposive sampling, collecting data on the size of Olive Ridley turtle mothers, the number of eggs, the depth and diameter of turtle egg nests, beach slope, nest temperature, substrate grains, beach vegetation, threats to turtle eggs, and locomotor quality of hatchlings. The results of this study are, the percentage of success in natural nests of Olive Ridley turtles is lower at 71.99% and semi-natural nests as much as 59.01%. The average temperature of both nests was 28.67, which is still optimal for turtle egg nesting. The type of grain in the two types of nests is also relatively fine. The slope of the beach is also still relatively gentle.  Based on the research conducted by TCC (Turtle Conservation Community), it is suitable to support the success of Olive Ridley turtle hatching.


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Author Biographies

  • Enjelin Khetrin , Diponegoro University

    Department of Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof Jacub Rais, SH, Tembalang – Semarang

  • Gunawan Widi Santoso , Diponegoro University

    Department of Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof Jacub Rais, SH, Tembalang – Semarang

  • Ervia Yudiati, Diponegoro University

    Department of Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Jalan Prof Jacub Rais, SH, Tembalang – Semarang


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Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author, upon reasonable request.



Marine Biotechnology and Immunology

How to Cite

Khetrin , E. ., Santoso , G. W. ., & Yudiati, E. (2024). Percentage of Hatching Success of Olive Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelyis oliviceae) Eggs in Natural and Semi-Natural Nests and the Quality of the Turtle Conservation Community (TCC), Lombok, Indonesia. Journal of Marine Biotechnology and Immunology, 2(3), 12-26.

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