The Effect of Water Quality on the Performance Growth of Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) at the Center for Brackish Aquaculture Fisheries
Water Quality, Growth, Vaname ShrimpAbstract
Vaname shrimp is one of the leading commodities of the aquaculture sector, with high production rates influenced by the rapid growth period and relatively short maintenance time, high stocking density production system, has a high appetite for food and has good resistance to disease. This study aims to assess the effect of water quality on the growth of vaname shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) in ponds. Water quality measured includes temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and pH, all of which play an important role in the growth and health of shrimp. The methods used in this study included periodic measurements of water quality parameters in the morning and evening in four ponds (A5.1, A5.2, A6.1, and A6.2), as well as observations of Average Body Weight (ABW), Average Daily Growth (ADG), and Survival Rate (SR) of shrimp. The results showed that ponds A5.1, A5.2, and A6.1 showed an increase in SR and biomass values, while A6.2 experienced a decrease in SR and biomass values caused by the outbreak of White Feces Disease. This is influenced by temperature, salinity, and DO parameters that are not in the optimal range for shrimp growth. Fluctuations in water quality parameters can significantly affect shrimp metabolism and health. Therefore, good water quality management, including water change cycles and sterilisation, is essential to prevent health problems and improve the growth of vaname shrimp. This study emphasises the need for attention to water quality in vaname shrimp farming to achieve optimal results.
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