Prevalence and Environmental Factors Affecting the Emergence of Black Band Disease and White Syndrome on Montipora Corals in Pari Island Waters, Seribu Islands, Indonesia
Coral Disease, Montipora, Pari Islands, White SyndromeAbstract
Coral reefs play an important role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems, yet diseases such as Black Band Disease (BBD) and White Syndrome (WS) contribute to a significant decline in coral cover. This research aims to analyse the prevalence of BBD and WS in the genus Montipora in Pari Islands waters, specifically in the leeward (Station 1) and windward (Station 2) areas. Data were collected at a depth of 3-6 m, including data on coral cover, coral disease and health problems, and water quality parameters. Coral cover was measured using the Underwater Photo Transect (UPT) method along 20 m with three replications, while disease data used a 1 m wide belt transect to the left and right of the meter stretch. Data were analysed descriptively and comparatively by describing observations at each research station and comparing them between stations. The results showed that live coral cover in
Station 1 was in the damaged category (15.50%), while Station 2 was in the moderate category (37.69%). The prevalence of BBD on Montipora corals was 1.09% in Station 1 and 0.32% in Station 2. Meanwhile, the prevalence of WS was higher with 2.15% in Station 1 and 4.05% in Station 2. The prevalence of both diseases was influenced by variations in seasonal conditions, especially fluctuations in water temperature, as well as high sedimentation which played a significant role in increasing the prevalence of WS.
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